We are working on the transformational potential of artificial intelligence
Our collaboration with the UPV/EHU continues to be successful
Endika Robles, Engineering graduate in Telecommunications Technology, has been awarded the Engineering School Foundation Prize 2018, for the best Master’s Thesis for his work on “Automation of tests and analysis and implementation of algorithms for the estimation of the life time of lithium ion batteries”. His work has been carried out at the TECNALIA Classroom, at the Bilbao Engineering School..
Energy storage systems and more specifically, batteries, must allow for competitive and attractive energy storage, which is vital for the integration of renewable energy into the electric grid. For this reason, it is essential to make maximum use of the life of the battery.
In his work, Endika defines a series of experimental tests and develops and implements algorithms that will enable the useful life of the batteries to be extended, bringing the deployment of a smart electric grid closer.
The TECNALIA Classroom was created to foster collaboration with the Engineering School in the of Scientific-Technical field, through joint participation in R&D and Innovation activities and the shared and continued training of researchers. Over its 17 years in operation, 240 students have developed their End of Degree in this Classroom, whereby these projects have contributed to resolve industrial problems related to energy efficiency, marine energy, electric vehicles or advanced manufacturing systems.