Augmented reality and robotics for agriculture
It is an award for the best doctoral thesis in the field of automation
This year, the Smart Control Focus Group of the Spanish Automation Committee (CEA) has called the Mathworks Award for the Best Doctoral Thesis in Smart Control with the aim of recognising and stimulating research developed in relation to Smart Control by PhD students who have defended their Doctoral Thesis in the two years prior to that of the award, with a dissertation on any topic related to Smart Control and led by a member doctor of the CEA Smart Control Focus Group.
This year, Eukene Imatz, TECNALIA researcher, has received the award for her thesis entitled “Neuro-fuzzy Modelling of Multi-field Surface Neuroprostheses for Hand Grasp”. It is a thesis on the application of smart computing techniques to an upper limb neuroprostheses to provide the grasping or object handling function to people with motor disabilities in upper limbs. This thesis was carried out with the collaboration of the Systems and Automation Department of the University of the Basque Country (UPV/EHU) and the rehabilitation area of the TECNALIA Health Division.
The award has been sponsored by the company Mathworks and our researcher received the award during the 38th Automation Conferences held in Gijon from 6th to 8th September.