
Focussing on smart grids as a key factor in decarbonisation

24 October 2024
JL Elejalde

"More than 150 specialists came together at the XVIII International Electrical Grid Conference (JIEEC)"

We discussed smart grids as a key factor in decarbonisation with specialists from the electricity and energy sector

Jose Luis Elejalde, Director of Energy, Climate and Urban Transition at TECNALIA, Iván Martén, President of ORKESTRA and Mikel Amundarain, Managing Director of EVE were in charge of welcoming the new edition of the JIEEC, the smart electricity conference.

In his speech, Jose Luis Elejalde pointed out that "Euskadi can become a benchmark territory in the energy transition and decarbonisation". However, he stressed that:"the most important thing is that companies in our territory have the capability to develop projects and solutions that they can sell all over the world. This will give our country greater industrial fabric and more economic structure. And electrical grids are a vehicle to do that".

  • The event particularly focussed on the geopolitical and strategic aspects that may affect its development in Europe and globally.
  • Participants also shared experiences and opinions on grid digitalisation and on projects and solutions that are promoting a greater electrification of demand.
  • The conference also had a special space for representatives of electricity distribution companies in Spain, where they could share the opportunities and challenges facing the electricity sector.

Electrical grids, a key component of the energy system

Electrical grids are the backbone of the energy system and a key element to ensure a sustainable energy transition.

The JIEEC conferences, jointly organised by TECNALIA, ORKESTRA and EVE, aim to be a meeting point in which experts and researchers from different countries and fields can exchange ideas and discuss the state of the art and recent developments in the electrical sector.