
Hyperspectral analysis and chemometrics to position the Basque Country

4 October 2023
Análisis hiperespectral y qu

TECNALIA and the IBEA group of the UPV/EHU bring together 45 researchers from the RVCTI to create a chemometrics working group and expand this line of research in the Basque Country

TECNALIA and the IBEA group of the UPV/EHU bring together 45 researchers from the Basque Science, Technology and Innovation Network (RVCTI) to create a working group on chemometrics and expand this line of research in the Basque Country

A five-day course with a wide range of topics ranging from an introduction to hyperspectral imaging to data-centric techniques for analysis. More than 45 researchers from different BRTA institutions (TECNALIA, Tekniker, CIC-NanoGune) and universities (UPV/EHU, Mondragon Unibertsitatea, University of Granada and Università degli studi Milano-Bicocca) have taken part in this training course aimed at learning hyperspectral analysis and chemometrics techniques to establish the foundations of multidimensional image processing.

Chemometric techniques and hyperspectral image analysis enable remote chemical characterisation from a photonic signal and are used in numerous applications such as satellite image analysis, medical image characterisation, quality control of mass production of industrial and food processes, as well as recycling and separation of materials, among others.

With the great potential and applicability of these techniques as a driving force, this course also aims to create and position a chemometrics working and research group in order to expand this line of research in the Basque Country.

A panel of experts in the field is taking part in the course, such as José Amigo (IKERBASQUE /UPV/EHU) in the field of data analysis from a chemometric point of view; and Jose Antonio Arteche, Aitor Álvarez and Artzai Picón (TECNALIA) for the application of advanced AI and Deep-Learning techniques on spectral imaging.

This course is part of the Elkartek SmartEye project coordinated by TECNALIA and in which Tekniker, Vicomtech, Mondragon Unibertsitatea, UPV/EHU and BCMaterials are taking part.

A new step for the training of experts and the joint advancement of a region.