We have participated in an international study on the caveats of "AI autophagy"
Designer’s solvents for a sustainable economy in the Basque Country
Ionic liquids represent an innovative alternative that complements other industrial processes, such as electroplating, pyrometallurgy and hydrometallurgy This alternative is more ecological, free of organic solvents, energetically non intensive and cost-effective.
Ionic liquids are salts with low melting point and negligible vapour pressure at room temperature, an extensive electro-chemical interval, and they are environmentally friendly and non-corrosive. Some basic properties of these salts may be "adapted" in accordance with their functions. For this reason, ionic liquids have at times been called "designer's solvents".
This enables the use of these components in numerous fields of industrial activity. In this sense, Basque companies , such as SIDENOR and the Fundación INATEC are involved in the development of technologies based on ionic liquids for water treatment, recovery of waste with metal content, CO2 sequestration, recovery of lignocellulosic biomass and the production of fuels from the Oil & Gas industry.
The R&D units of these companies have formed a research consortium with BC Materials, Donostia International Physics Center, Polymat, the University of the Basque Country UPV/EHU (Analytical Chemistry and Chemical and Environmental Engineering Departments) and TECNALIA which in addition to its extensive experience in these technologies, is coordinating the initiative.
The developments described fall into the "Ionic Liquids as an innovative solution for a sustainable economy in the Basque Country" project, supported and funded by the Basque Government (SPRI) through the Elkartek programme.