
More than 200 experts analysed the future of power grids

18 October 2019

At the 16th International Electric Equipment Conference (JIEEC) organised by the Basque Energy Agency, Orkestra and TECNALIA

Power grids are the backbone of the energy system and a key element to ensure efficient energy transition. Under the title of "Smart grids for energy transition. Technology, electrification and new role-players” the 16th International Electric Equipment Conference (JIEEC 2019) brought more than 200 experts to Bilbao to address aspects related to the transcendental development of smart grids from different perspectives.

The conference analysed how some drivers, such as the electrification of consumption (electric vehicles, heating), the development of flexibility services based on the management of distributed energy resources and digitalisation, (data processing, cyber security) have affected and are affecting the development of smart grids.

International experts coincided on the fact that smart grids are key to fulfilling the much sought-after objectives of decarbonisation and power decentralisation, which ensure efficient energy transition. However, to do so, some ambitious challenges will be faced, and technology is a powerful ally to address them.

Examples of the technological developments that are changing the energy system were seen throughout the conference. The new digital technologies are enabling the efficiency of the grids and the energy quality to be improved, as well as increasing the integration of renewable energies and decentralising power grids.

These technologies are also contributing towards the development of new forms of interaction and integration between the different players, among which we must not forget the aggregators or the final users, whose role is changing from mere consumer to producer-consumer.

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