Monitoring emotions to revolutionise Industry 5.0
These chambers allow electrical equipment to be tested in extreme environmental conditions
TECNALIA has acquired and commissioned a new climatic chamber to perform environmental tests on large-scale power equipment. The walk-in type chamber has internal dimensions of 4.2 x 3 x 2.6 metres, temperature regulation from -45 to +85 ºC, as well as humidity control.
This chamber is added to an existing one with internal dimensions of 5.5 x 4 x 4 metres, which allows for thermal testing at temperatures between -25 and 70 ºC.
They are used to test electrical equipment under extreme service conditions, for example, temperature-rise tests at high temperature for equipment to be installed in particularly hot locations, such as those in the Middle East. The electricity companies in these countries often require heating tests at an atmospheric temperature of 50 ºC, for LV electrical panels and power capacitor banks. In addition to checking that the established heating limits are not exceeded, testing at the maximum service temperature enables any other operating problems to be detected, such as the undesired tripping of breakers or overheating protections.
The chambers can also be used for mechanical endurance tests at maximum service temperatures on other LV and MV electrical equipment, such as breakers, isolators, cells, etc.
In the case of power electronic equipment such as inverters and converters, the chambers allow environmental tests to be performed on the design qualification with accelerated ageing tests: hot and cold stressing, rapid changes in temperature, damp heat or humidity freeze.
Luis Martínez
Electrical Equipment Laboratory Manager