
Reducing greenhouse gas emissions in the iron and steel industry

8 August 2024

“TECNALIA uses innovative strategies that harness the gases generated in combustion for high-temperature heating systems”

TECNALIA is working to reduce greenhouse gas emissions in the iron and steel industry

TECNALIA uses innovative strategies that harness the gases generated in combustion for high-temperature heating systems to meet the challenge of reducing CO2 emissions. One of the most promising solutions is the use of hybrid heating systems, which combine electric heating elements, induction and microwaves.

These technologies are designed to replace traditional natural gas-based methods, eliminating CO2 emissions and reducing industrial emissions by up to 30%.

Advanced heating technology strategies

The implementation of these advanced heating systems not only boosts decarbonisation, but is also a smart evolution of current methods. This includes the design, simulation and manufacture of new electrical resistors and key components, which optimise the efficiency and performance of industrial heating processes.

These advanced hybrid systems offer multiple benefits:

  • Emission reduction: By replacing natural gas with electrical technologies, CO2 emissions are eliminated and this contributes significantly to sustainability targets.
  • Improved efficiency: The combination of electrical resistors, induction and microwaves allows for more precise and efficient heating, thus reducing energy consumption and operating costs.
  • Adaptability and flexibility: These systems can be adapted to various processes and needs of the iron and steel industry, facilitating their integration into various production environments.
  • Technological advancement: The adoption of these technologies places companies at the forefront of industrial innovation, strengthening their competitiveness in a global market that is increasingly focused on sustainability.

The team led by TECNALIA, in collaboration with Mondragon Unibertsitatea, the Bilbao School of Engineering - UPV-EHU, Sidenor, Tubacex Innovación and AFV/FEAF, is driving progress in key technologies to make high-temperature iron and steel industry applications more sustainable and efficient.