
TECNALIA helps to increase protection against cyberattacks and data breaches

30 May 2024

“TECNALIA is developing a next-generation cybersecurity platform capable of increasing the resilience of energy systems”

TECNALIA creates a more secure and resilient energy landscape and increases protection against cyberattacks and data breaches

The ELECTRON (rEsilient and seLf-healed EleCTRical pOwer Nanogrid) project aims to develop a next-generation cybersecurity platform capable of increasing the resilience of energy systems against cybersecurity and privacy attacks. The platform is based on four key pillars: risk assessment and certification, anomaly detection and prevention, failure mitigation and energy restoration, and addressing internal threats and gaps through AR-VR-based personnel training and certification.

TECNALIA is working on several topics, including training energy company personnel to detect five types of cyberattacks:

  • Network scans
  • Phishing
  • Denial of service (DoS).
  • Spoofing (or identity theft)
  • Unauthorised access to a computer system

TECNALIA has carried out various training sessions based on cyberexercises at TECNALIA’s Cyber Range, as well as self-training using virtual and augmented reality devices and technologies with the KAYROX and Process AR platforms.

Training for the company ENERFIN

On 14 and 15 May, TECNALIA carried out several training activities for the company ENERFIN at its location in Derio. The training included cyber-exercises and autonomous learning with AR/VR devices. Participants were able to carry out cybersecurity training thanks to technologies such as 3D virtual reality, virtual reality with 360 videos, and augmented reality with mixed reality devices.

More information on ELECTRON

ELECTRON is a Horizon Europe project that addresses the increasing vulnerability of electric power systems to cyberattacks, data breaches and human error. By leveraging new technologies, the project aims to provide a platform for next-generation power and energy companies designed to improve resilience against these threats.

  • By adopting cutting-edge technologies and continuous monitoring, ELECTRON fosters a dynamic approach to cybersecurity.
  • The project also highlights standardisation and certification of cybersecurity measures within the EPES sector, while providing training and education so that personnel can respond effectively to threats.
  • Ultimately, ELECTRON aims to create a more secure and resilient energy landscape, safeguarding critical infrastructure and promoting confidence in the electricity grid for the future.

The TECNALIA team working on this project is made up of: Diego Sagasti, Jon Ander Aguirrechu, Iñaki Angulo, Ángel López, Igor Quintela and Eduardo Ibáñez.