
TECNALIA joins the board of directors of the Food+i cluster

19 November 2018

Innovating, alongside the food industry, in the development of new technologies to provide healthier food

We have become part of the Board of Directors of the Food+i Cluster for the next four years: more specifically of the agri-food industry in the Ebro Valley, Spain. The General Meeting was attended by member companies from Navarre, La Rioja, Aragon, the Basque Country and Catalonia. Javier García Lodoso, Health Market Director of TECNALIA, was present as well as other representatives from the healthy eating area.

Our objective in the field of food is to innovate, alongside the food industry, in the development of new technologies to provide the consumer with healthier food: achieve a better quality of life and an active and healthy ageing.

Food+i Cluster is a private non-profit entity with 95 associate members. It groups together leading companies, institutions and technology and research centres in the Ebro Valley: they foster the competitiveness and development of the agri-food sector through cooperation and innovation.