
TECNALIA participates in the development of the first automated bus in Málaga

21 February 2018

The objective is to develop technologies that allow vehicle automation in urban and industrial transport applications

Transport automation will mean a paradigm shift in mobility as we know it today. This will significantly affect people's way of life and the transport of goods, as well as other transport-related sectors. Transport automation is one of the cities and companies' main commitments to safety and smart mobility.

In this context, Malaga will be the first European city to have a zero-emission automated bus pilot service to cover the route linking the Port of Malaga with the city centre.

The initiative, called AutoMOST, has been in progress for a year and is headed by the transport operator Grupo AVANZA. Its development includes a total of 12 partners that will work together to achieve the goals set: Avanza, Irizar, Datik, Etralux, Ingeniería Insitu, Novadays, Masermic, TECNALIA, the Polytechnic University of Madrid, Insia, Ceit-IK4 and the University of Vigo. Its goal is to develop technologies that allow vehicle automation in urban and industrial transport applications, to significantly increase efficiencysafety and sustainability. Specifically, AutoMOST will allow the implementation of shared control systems (Dual-Mode) for future automated vehicles that materialise automated driving in real traffic conditions, interacting safely with the dynamic urban environment.

It is a pioneering initiative in Europe that will become a reality in Malaga in 2020. The pilot experience, which will be implemented in the coming months, will efficiently cover the specific mobility demands that occur after the docking of cruisers, allowing access to the urban centre and providing the port's infrastructure with greater attractiveness for cruise passengers who will have more time to enjoy the city’s attractions.

In addition to the transport service for cruise passengers, the initiative will also develop an automatic vehicle system for infrastructure maintenance and monitoring services in urban areas.