"All content is available on Spotify, Ivoox, Apple Podcast and Google Podcast"
TECNALIA launches its podcast channel to showcase the talent of its people who are working every day to design a better future
With the launch of TECHNOLOGY, PASSION AND FUTURE. TECNALIA'S PODCAST is another step forward in offering accessible and easily distributable content of interest to society and companies.
Innovation and trends in the areas in which we work
Via this new communication channel, we will present innovation and trends in the areas in which we work. You will have the opportunity to get to know our researchers up close, their motivations and what inspires them to carry out research to contribute to achieving a social impact through their results.
Every fortnight, we will tell the stories behind the latest technological breakthroughs being developed in the fields of smart manufacturing, personalised health, digital transformation, urban ecosystem, energy transition and sustainable mobility. We will also get to know their key players.
Episodes will last 25 minutes on average. All content is available on Spotify, Ivoox, Apple Podcast and Google Podcast, tecnalia.com and through TECNALIA's different social media.
Listen to our episodes with us
Technology, passion and future is TECNALIA’s podcast.
Listen to a new episode every fortnight.
#CreatingGrowth #ImprovingSociety