This ranking is considered an international scientific reference for the impact of the work carried out by scientists.
On 19 October Elsevier published the list of the most referenced authors worldwide 'Updated science-wide author databases of standardised citation indicators' and it included our colleague Javier Del Ser, in the category of single-year impact 2020.
Elsevier is one of the best known publishers in the world. He has several journals in multidisciplinary fields of science and knowledge, with a strong position in the fields of artificial intelligence; information fusion, applied soft computing,neural networks, etc. Several of these journals are at the top of the most recognised rankings in terms of impact and citation rate, such as Journal Citation Reports, JCR.
The most cited researchers in the world make up this list, which is a huge recognition for those who are part of it. In fact, this ranking is considered an international scientific reference for the impact of the work carried out by scientists.
This recognition highlights TECNALIA's scientific excellence in the field of artificial intelligence aimed at transforming technological research into economic and social prosperity, acting as an agent of transformation for companies and society to adapt to the challenges of a continuously evolving future.
Javier Del Ser's professional career
Javier Del Ser is currently a researcher in the area OPTIMA (Optimisation, Modelling and Data Analytics) at TECNALIA. He is also Professor in the Department of Communications Engineering at the University of the Basque Country (UPV/EHU), and External Scientific Member of the Basque Center for Applied Mathematics (BCAM).
His research activity focuses on the design and practical application of artificial intelligence learning models and techniques (including machine learning, deep neural computing, metaheuristic optimisation and data fusion) for the resolution of emerging problems in a multitude of domains, with emphasis on industry (prognosis, production planning), health (diagnosis based on image processing and data fusion, reconstruction), mobility and intelligent transport (traffic prediction, object recognition and trajectory estimation), telecommunications (vehicular networks) and energy/environment (prediction of extreme weather events, renewable energy generation), among many others.
In these fields he has published to date more than 390 scientific-technical publications (150 of them indexed in the first and second quartile of the JCR index), edited five books, supervised 15 master's theses, 34 final degree theses and 11 doctoral theses (with another eight in progress), as well as participated/directed several basic and applied research projects.
Javier has twice been the recipient of the Torres Quevedo programme of the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation (2007 and 2009). He is a Senior member of the IEEE Intelligent Transport Systems and Computational Intelligence societies, is accredited as a University Professor by the National Agency for Quality Assessment and Accreditation (ANECA), and has been awarded the 'Talento de Bizkaia' prize in recognition of his experience and scientific curriculum.