"Presentation of the Net-Zero Basque Industrial Super Cluster in Houston"
Net-Zero Basque Industrial Super Cluster seeks to turn decarbonisation into an opportunity for technological and industrial development in the Basque Country.
The Net-Zero Basque Industrial Super Cluster event brought together the cluster community, which is part of the Transitioning Industrial Clusters towards Net Zero initiative. The aim of this meeting is to share projects and experiences, analyse challenges and opportunities and foster the necessary technological alliances to accelerate the transition towards the decarbonisation of the various industrial sectors.
Petronor participated in one of the sessions as a speaker. The decarbonisation of its processes is an opportunity for both the company and the Basque Country, through the Basque Hydrogen Corridor, with a public-private collaboration strategy that envisages the development of projects throughout the hydrogen value chain.
Technological and industrial development
The delegation presented various technological and industrial development initiatives: the Basque Hydrogen Corridor, the H-Acero project, led by Sarralle (Hazitek project), which develops equipment and knowledge for the use of green hydrogen in iron and steel processes, and the Bideratu artificial intelligence analytical tool, (Elkartek project) led by TECNALIA. Bideratu aims to create a comprehensive E3S (Energy, Economy, Environment) modelling environment based on AI techniques.
The Basque delegation held bilateral meetings for the exchange of experiences and knowledge with the heads of EPRI (Electric Power Research Institute) in the fields of green hydrogen, energy efficiency and electrification.
80% of the world economy is committed to achieving net zero emissions. In order to meet this ambitious target, it is essential for industrial regions, especially those with high energy consumption and therefore high CO2 emissions associated with this consumption, to play a key role in fulfilling these commitments.
TECNALIA and the Green Deal
At TECNALIA, we work with companies and institutions to increase their competitiveness in a sustainable way, so that we contribute to improving people's quality of life. We transform technological research and innovation into prosperity, acting as agents of change for business and society.
This dual impact that we constantly pursue means that we carry the Green Deal in our DNA, with the cross-cutting goal of making the world a better place.