Augmented reality and robotics for agriculture
We are studying the intensity in the consumption of materials in the manufacturing and construction sectors in Colombia under circular economy approaches
TECNALIA has been contracted, following an international call for tenders, to advise the Colombia Planning Department (DNP) on laying the bases for diagnosis and recommendations to be implemented in policies to improve efficiency in the closure of materials cycles within the framework of the green growth mission.
This mission aims to foster the country's economic competitiveness, ensure sustainable development of rural, industrial and urban activities, contribute towards combating climate change, as well as increasing the inclusion and social welfare indexes.
We are carrying out an intensity study in the consumption of materials in the manufacturing and construction sectors in Colombia under circular economy approaches.
Some of the manufacturing and industrial sectors under study, with high potential for the generation and metabolisation of residual material resources are the agro-industrial, steel, pulp, paper and cardboard manufacturing, polymeric products and construction sectors. The Basque Environmental Administration is also involved in the transfer of success stories in the Basque Country in relation to the closure of industrial current cycles and strategic construction in order to continue strengthening bilateral actions between the Basque Country and Colombia.
Further information: Iñigo Vegas