
We analyse the energy impact of climate change in Zarautz and Bilbao

5 July 2024
Analizamos los impactos energéticos del cambio climático en Zarautz y Bilbao

“We assess the vulnerability and resilience of energy distribution networks to extreme climate events in the energy system of Zarautz and Bilbao”.

TECNALIA analyses the energy impact of climate change on energy distribution networks in Zarautz and Bilbao

This analysis of the energy impact of climate change, carried out by TECNALIA in conjunction with Tecnun within the framework of the LIFE IP Urban Kilma 2050 initiative, assesses the vulnerability and resilience of urban infrastructures to extreme climate events.

The aim of the study is to analyse the energy impact of climate change on energy distribution networks in Zarautz and Bilbao. The results and recommendations will be integrated into regional energy policies. It will also ensure the continuity of electricity supply and foster a more efficient and resilient energy model.

Risk assessment in Zarautz and Bilbao

The study focuses on two pilots at a municipal level: Zarautz and Bilbao. In these locations, the potential impact of climate change on their respective electricity distribution networks have been analysed.

Firstly, the electricity and urban infrastructures of both municipalities have been identified and characterised. The corresponding systemic risk models have also been developed. Following the risk assessment, actions have been co-designed and prioritised to draw up the resilience plan.

First step towards coping with future climate events

The analysis is a first step towards the development of a more integrated approach, which considers the cascading effects on the electricity and urban infrastructures and the population. Although the electricity infrastructure is designed to achieve a high degree of reliability, there is scope to incorporate additional adaptation measures to mitigate the impact of climate events and optimise the quality of service.

About LIFE IP Urban Klima 2050

LIFE IP Urban Klima 2050 is the largest climate action project in the Basque Country over the coming years. Its objective is to implement the KLIMA 2050 strategy in the region, addressing the challenges of climate change through collaboration between public institutions, research centres and private companies.

This initiative focuses on climate change adaptation and mitigation in urban areas, fostering infrastructure resilience and environmental sustainability.