We are working on the transformational potential of artificial intelligence
We are training 100 Vocational Training teachers in Industry 4.0 along with HETEL, IK4-Tekniker and IK4-Azterlan
In order to train 100 Vocational Training teachers from 15 centres in Industry 4.0, Mikroerronkak 4.0 has been implemented, an initiative made up of HETEL, the Basque Association of Social Initiative Vocational Training Centres, along with TECNALIA, IK4-Tekniker and IK4-Azterlan and with the support of BBK Social Work.
To do so, the technology centres and HETEL formed a group of 21 technological and methodological experts, who have been responsible for passing on their knowledge to a further 100 teachers. The latter have designed 22 micro-challenges in the selected six 4.0 fields: Internet of Things, collaborative robotics, Big Data, additive manufacturing, augmented reality and cyber-security.
The technologies on which Industry 4.0 is based focus mainly on a virtual world. Given that this requires all parameters to be rethought, TECNALIA has worked on training in relation to Cyber-security and the generation of advanced Virtual Reality and Advanced Reality interfaces in Industry 4.0.
Once the 20 micro-challenges have been designed, they will be used and developed with students from different Vocational Training cycles during the 2018-2019 academic year in all of the HETEL centres. The configuration of this map of 4.0 micro-challenges will enable 4 micro-challenges for each of the six 4.0 technological fields in such a way that the programming of these cycles will be enriched with these innovative materials.