
We drive collaborative manufacturing through robotics and digital twins

1 July 2024
Fabricación inteligente

"We hope to generate a tractor effect on the Spanish industrial sector and increase income from contracting with companies by 15.5%".

We drive safe and smart collaborative manufacturing through advanced interfaces, robotics and digital twins.

TECNALIA is one of the five Spanish centres taking part in the safe and smart colaborative manufacturing project using advanced interfaces, robotics and digital twins. It is a training programme of excellence to improve participants' skills in the area of smart manufacturing in collaborative environments. It is an initiative that hopes to generate a tractor effect on the Spanish industrial sector and increase income from contracts with companies by 15.5%.

The aim of the FABRICARE initiative is to increase the capacity of the research groups of the five centres participating in the technological area of smart manufacturing in collaborative environments. FABRICARE creates know-how of excellence at a national and international level that is market-oriented and has a tractor effect on the Spanish industrial sector through public-private collaboration.

Key technologies in collaborative manufacturing

The manufacturing sector is undergoing an unprecedented transformation thanks to the integration of advanced technologies related to advanced interfaces, robotics and digital twins. This technological convergence is giving rise to a new paradigm of safe and smart collaborative manufacturing, which optimises processes, improves occupational safety and increases operational efficiency.

The development of this training will be determined by:

  • Conducting research that advances the international state of the art in four technologies related to smart manufacturing in collaborative environments:
  • Research into issues related to interoperability between devices and operational security to facilitate the approximation of technologies to the needs of the business sector.
  • Adress research challenges at different levels of technological maturity, so as to maximise the impact on the industrial sector.
  • Take advantage of the synergies and complementarities of the participating centres to turn them into strategic partners for the production sector in a wide number and variety of sectors: aeronautics, aerospace, automotive, food, machinery, energy, telecommunications, large scientific facilities...).
  • Maximise the impact of excellence training on the staff of the participating centres, as well as talent attraction through cluster participation and networking.
  • Maximise the outreach of the results to both the scientific community and companies through strategies of dynamisation, transfer, dissemination, or industrial/intellectual protection, thanks to the potential of the network and the collaborative work between the different partners.

Challenges and future perspectives

Despite the advances, the implementation of these technologies is not without its challenges. Integration of diverse systems, cybersecurity and staff training are critical aspects that need to be addressed. However, the trend towards safer, smarter and more collaborative manufacturing is unstoppable and promises to radically transform the industry over the coming years.

In conclusion, the combination of advanced interfaces, robotics and digital twins is ushering in the dawn of a new era in manufacturing, where human-machine collaboration is not only possible, but essential to achieve unprecedented levels of efficiency and safety.