Intelligent assisted driving systems developed by TECNALIA
Our Integrated Management System is solid, has an innovative design, is widely deployed across the organisation and has many strengths
In May we successfully concluded the audit to renew our systems certifications: Quality Management System, UNE- EN ISO 9001: 2015; Environmental Management System, UNE-EN ISO 14001: 2015; and R&D and innovation Management System, UNE 166002: 2014.
The audit team assessed our management remotely, from a strategic level to an operational level, including each one of the systems' processes and activities, thanks to the Teams and SharePoint tools.
The audit report stated that “The Integrated Management System (Quality, Environment and R&D and innovation) is solid, has an innovative design, is widely deployed across the organisation and has many strengths”.
Highlights of the Integrated Management System
Further information