
Working on lighter, safer and more sustainable structures in the automotive industry

23 June 2024
estructuras multimaterial

“Spanish companies are working on innovative technologies and solutions to make vehicle structural components increasingly lighter, safer and more sustainable”

What innovations are being developed in Spain in terms of the structures of new vehicles? What is the path to strategic autonomy? What challenges and trends are influencing the development of structural components?

The electrification of vehicles, circularity, sustainability, new safety requirements and new models of use and mobility are "altering" the development of the structural components that make up a vehicle today.

The experts agree on the need to accelerate the R&D&I process, with the support of Public Administrations, in order to continue offering added value in products for the automotive sector without losing competitiveness.

They also advocate for the need for a country strategy that encourages technology and creates a stable economic, political and social context to give confidence to business and attract investment, as well as boosting public-private partnerships, along with employment and research.

Investment in innovative solutions

The aim is to focus on the innovative technologies and solutions being developed by Spanish companies to make the structural components of vehicles increasingly lighter, safer and more sustainable, as proposed in the M2F Agenda of Strategic Priorities for R&D&I in the Automotive and Mobility Sector

This priority agenda sets out a roadmap and the enabling technologies that need investment in order to remain national leaders in the development and manufacture of body parts and chassis elements for the vehicles of the future.

Lighter, safer and more sustainable structures

During the press conference on Wednesday 12th June, where these initiatives were presented, Cecilia Medina, Innovation and Talent Manager at SERNAUTO and coordinator of the M2F Technology Platform, highlighted the value of the automotive ecosystem in Spain. She pointed out the numerous projects that have been submitted to the second call of the PERTE VEC in relation to research and development of new materials, components and structures.

During this conference, Katia de Luis, Director of Strategic Planning at Gestamp; Maite Santos, Director of Market/Industry and Mobility at TECNALIA and Ibon Ocaña, Director of European Business Development at Ceit shared the challenges and trends that are influencing the development of structural components, challenges that are being faced through the M2F Platform.

The aim is to lighten the structures, improve performance for safety reasons and increase sustainability in both the product and the process, in a competitive way.

More information on the "Strategic Priorities Agenda".

If you would like to find out more about this strategic priority agenda, go to Document WG5: Lighter, safer and more sustainable structures.