Addressing the challenges facing SMEs in climate action
We have organised a Hackathon in collaboration with Achaz and EIPM to resolve a Procurement / Supply Chain problem with the help of Blockchain technology
At the end of this Hackathon, the teams taking part will present the sponsoring company with a case study that can be designed in a Blockchain environment: to define assets, create smart contracts, interactions with stakeholders, types of transactions, etc.
The most efficient teams will create a proof of concept with live transactions in a draft environment: integrated by students with Blockchain skills and procurement / supply chain students. The Blockchain students will be in charge of technical and coding aspects, while the procurement students will be responsible for the functional aspect of the “proof of concept”, and for providing feedback to the sponsoring company.
The organisers will put the students through a grilling selection process as well as an interview process in order to decide who takes part. They must be prepared to work in mixed teams and to work hard on an actual case study: to provide the sponsoring company with an effective solution within a fun, learning environment.
The sponsoring company can be any company that is looking to resolve a specific procurement / supply chain problem during this special event, and in an environment in which the competing teams, the sponsoring company and the organisers will be challenged and will help each other out to create and learn.
Do you want to be a sponsoring company, or form part of a team of students?
Send an e-mail to Juan Garate