
Support for the implementation of the CNOSSOS evaluation method in the modelling of rail noise


Advanced method, harmonised at a European level, whose approach to rail noise enables data to be available that separates the contribution of the infrastructure and the rolling stock to the noise caused by rail traffic and facilitate the definition of corrective measures adjusted to the problem in each case.

The project leads to some instructions on the use of the CNOSSOS method that ADIF and ADIF AV (Administradores de Infraestructuras Ferroviarias de España) can use in the preparation of Phase IV et seq. of the Strategic Noises Maps and for the rest of the rail noise studies in their infrastructures.

It is verified that the results of applying the method represent the reality, evaluating the option of creating a specific database for ADIF and ADIF AV. Efficiency in the application of the method will be the aim of the regular analyses, and the consistency of the results obtained by the different professional teams (homogeneity) and in the different periods of application (traceability) will be guaranteed.