Teleoperation for autonomous and shared mobility
Technological asset
BECOLD is a flexible cryogenic cooling and lubrication system that is adaptable to different processes and materials. Reduces the costs related to cutting fluids, which account for about 5-15% of manufacturing costs.
It has been developed alongside the UPV/EHU and marketed under a non-exclusive license by HRE.
The demand for and increasing use of new high-performance materials in sectors such as aeronautics (plastics, fibreglass/carbon compounds, ceramics, sintered hard metals, powder metallurgical) has increased the cost of the associated machining processes due to extreme conditions (temperature, loads, wear) to which the cutting tools are subjected.
Furthermore, increased lubrication and conventional cooling (MQL) has negative effects on the environment.
Alias | Registration No. |
Device and method for cooling and lubricating tools in machining processes | EP3248730 |