Scope of action

Digital transformation

Tecnalia - Transformación digital

In an increasingly interconnected and interactive world, we design solutions by developing and integrating the most suitable technologies required regarding digital processes, products, and services. We seek to align business transformation with digital model shift, driving new opportunities with digital technologies at the core.

The main focus of digital transformation is the digitalisation of the company’s value proposal, redesigning processes and, above all, their business models. It also implies thinking about the product or service in terms of the user, the digital perimeter we build, while seeking user loyalty in every interaction. This is a transformation that involves new models of power and a change that requires, above all, the evolution of the culture of organizations and people.

The digital technologies we work on may either be driving new business directly related to the new skills they bring, or they may generate transformations in poorly digital value proposals, but that have the potential to scale or diversify. In other cases, efficiency in value creation processes (transformations, integrations, etc.) is improved while generating efficacy through the analysis of data. Value extraction from the data is another of the goals behind this transformation, generating proprietary value proposals power models (defensive) and external ones (disintermediation). Lastly, the challenge of resilience and trust in digital infrastructures must be highlighted, reducing the risk in transformation processes that generate long-term dependencies on digital technologies.


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imagen en miniatura del catálogo de transformación digital de tecnalia

Digital Transformation Catalog: TECNALIA's technological solutions for the digital transformation of your organization.

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Cybersecurity and Blockchain brochure (Spanish)

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Catálogo de Sistemas Avanzados Interacción TECNALIA

Advanced interaction systems brochure (Spanish)

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