We carry out tests and the certification of electrical energy meters, in accordance with Directive 2014/32/EU.
We verify the compliance of the safety, environmental and metrological characteristics of smart electrical meters (Smart Metering), under ideal conditions and under those that may be faced in real use, such as the presence of electrical disturbances.
We offer the following services:
- Conformity Assessment: standards and specifications
- Preliminary tests in product development phases
Products assessed:
- Meters and Concentrators
Tests offered:
- Metrological tests in accordance with Directive 2014/32/EU
Aimed at:
- Manufacturers of electrical energy meters
- Manufacturers of electrical energy concentrators
Accreditations and Recognition
ENAC Accreditation No. 4LE/148 for vibrations and shock testing
Official Body certified by the Electromagnetic Compatibility EMC 2014/30/UE Directive