
Climate resilient cities and infrastructures


Standardised methodologies for vulnerability-risk assessment, selection and prioritisation of adaptation measures and design of roadmaps (based on effectiveness), and decision-making tools for the preparation of adaptation strategies at a local level.

Development of products to increase the resilience of cities to risks associated with climate change.

The RESIN Project contemplates:

  • Linking adaptation approaches to disaster risk management, focusing on critical infrastructures.
  • Providing instruments to explore the use of standardised methods in the impact assessment of climate change, its risk and vulnerability, including an inventory of adaptation measures, prioritisation methods and methodology for the design of roadmaps.
  • Developing a framework of effective governance for planning the adaptation, which takes different actors and sectors into consideration.
  • Generating on-line tools to support decision-making for public and private agents, ensuring the applicability to “real urban situations”.
  • Collaborating with the European Standardisation Organisation (NEN).

European Commission

This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 Research and Innovation programme, under Grant Agreement No. 653522.

Tools for adaptation to climate change brochure

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