
Vulnerability to climate change and adaptation of the hydroelectric power systems in Andean countries

Analysis of the vulnerability to climate change of the hydroelectric systems of some Andean countries (Bolivia, Colombia, Ecuador, Peru and Venezuela), analysing the advantages of potential adaptation and mitigation measures through a replicable methodology that combines the use of climate, hydrological, energy and socio-economic models.

Hydroelectric generation represents more than 60% of power generation in the Andean region. Faced with the uncertainties of the effects of climate change on their activity, we have analysed the foreseeable impact in conjunction with IHCantabria and PSR.

The ministries responsible for energy planning in Bolivia, Colombia, Ecuador, Peru and Venezuela have coordinated the participation of different institutions in their respective countries and compiled the necessary information to address the study of a power plant in one of these countries, as well as an integrated regional analysis.

The study, funded by OLADE and the Banco Interamericano de Desarrollo, highlights the advisability of implementing several adaptation measures.