
Preparation of the Extremadura Integrated Energy and Climate Plan (PEIEC 2030)


Preparation and drafting of the Plan, defining ambitious and realistic goals (based on the forward-looking analysis of the techno-economic model of the energy and emissions system) for the reduction of GHG emissions, penetration of renewable energy, energy efficiency, promotion of socio-economic development, and minimisation of the impact of climate change related to the energy system in Extremadura.

Extremadura is one of the first autonomous communities to be committed to the route towards sustainability set out in the PNIEC ( National Integrated Energy and Climate Plan) at a state level, through the preparation of the Extremadura Integrated Energy and Climate Plan (PEIEC) until 2030, and taking the goals set out in the PNIEC on board.

Our experts support the Regional Government of Extremadura in this objective, designing and developing a techno-economic modelling of the energy and environment reality specific to the region.

A forward-looking model of the energy system and emissions for Extremadura has been developed, which has been used for the definition and analysis of scenarios of interest, on the evolution of the regional energy system, in terms of the trend scenario and a target scenario.