
Analysis of the impact of energy technologies in Gipuzkoa

Characterisation and analysis of the energy scenario in Gipuzkoa in order to establish the role of renewable energy technologies and other energy actions, such as the energy rehabilitation of buildings and electric vehicles, in Gipuzkoa’s energy transition process with a timeframe up to 2050.

The work developed enables us to define the decarbonisation scenario for Gipuzkoa in 2050, including the evolution of the energy mix, based on the realistic deployment of renewable energy technologies and actions, such as rehabilitation and the deployment of the electric vehicle.

The results show a reduction in primary energy of 41% and savings in CO2 emissions equivalent to 67% by the end of the period with respect to values for 2016.

Furthermore, the economic impact of the deployment has been evaluated, not only in terms of investment and cost, but also the indirect and induced impact by type of energy technology, enabling prioritisation criteria to be established regarding the different technologies based on their environmental, economic and social impact.