The project is structured around the diagnosis, prognosis and oncological treatment from a multi-disciplinary approach to respond to the growing demands of medical oncology in the identification of sensitive and specific markers and new strategies that improve the early diagnosis, prognosis and treatment of cancer.
The ONKOIKER project aims to delve into the study into the relationship between tumour heterogeneity, the microenvironment and the malignancy of the tumour, in such a way that using the knowledge generated, it is possible to identify new high sensitivity and specificity markers , which help in the diagnosis, prognosis and selection of cancer therapies.
Aware of the extreme complexity and tumour heterogeneity, the projects is designed with a multi-disciplinary approach, which aims to address the tumour heterogeneity from different perspectives, such as: genomics, of the tumour and the patient; the tumour microenvironment; lipidomics; computational and image analysis.