Laboratory service

Technical Conformity Report (TC)

The Technical Conformity Report (TC) is a public declaration that assesses the technical approval of an innovative construction product or system with regard to the requirements derived from the CTE (Spanish Technical Building Code) and the CPR.

We assess the technical approval of an innovativeconstruction product or system with regard to the applicable technical requirements for its use as set out in the Construction Products Regulation.

We also address the requirements set out in the Spanish Technical Building Code (CTE), which include the assessment of the durability, installation and maintenance of self-regulated production.

We draft and grant the TC which is recognised by the Public Administration (BOE No. 128 of 29th May 2012: Resolution 7136 of 10th April 2012).

We are also a Recognised Body for the issue of TC such as the Technical Approval Assessment within the framework of the Fire Protection Facilities Regulation (RIPCI). (BOPV No. 150 of 6th August 2018: Resolution of 6th July 2018).

The TC applies to all building products or systems that are not covered by or which deviate significantly from the harmonised standard due to their innovative nature.

The main benefits of the TC are:

  • Document recognised by the CTE and RIPCI.
  • Product assessment by a third party.
  • Reduction of entry time to new markets.
  • Tool to facilitate authorisation.

Aimed at:

  • Manufacturers and distributors of construction products.

Accreditations and Recognition

Authorised Organisation for the issue of the Technical Conformity Report (TC) within the framework of the CTE and RIPCI
Organismo de Evaluación Técnica (OET) para la emisión de documentos de Evaluación Técnica Europea (ETE) para los Productos de Construcción
Technical Assessment Body (TAB) for issuing European Technical Assessments (ETAs) for Construction Products.
Organismo Notificado Nº 1292 para el Reglamento de Productos de la Construcción
Notified Body Number 1292 for construction products covered by harmonised standards.
Organismo Notificado Nº 1292 para el Reglamento de Productos de la Construcción
Notified Body Number 1292 for EVCP tasks that are linked to European Technical Assessments (ETAs)